تفاصيل تدريبات فى البنك العربى الافريقى

تفاصيل تدريبات فى البنك العربى الافريقى

Summer Internship Program at Arab African International Bank
Arab African International Bank … Since 1964 distinction carved in history
AAIB aims to create a financial institution that would leverage the wealth of the region not just the Egyptian market, but to be the financial backbone of this regional ambition, providing innovative products and services.

Arab African International Bank’s treaty of establishment was signed by the late Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser and H E Gabr Al Ahmed Al Gabr Al Sabbah Kuwait’s former Crown Prince. Arab African International Bank was established by a special Law as a Joint Venture between the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) and Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA), and was incorporated in 1964 as Egypt’s first Arab multinational Bank. With each party holding a 49.37% stake, the Central Bank of Egypt and the Kuwait Investment Authority constitute the core of AAIB’s shareholder base with a dollar-based equity

We’re offering opportunities in several key departments inside the bank where interns will be able to gain valuable first-hand experience.

Skills & Qualifications:
Students in their 1st to 3rd year of university
Fluency in English
Apply from here

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اعلان وظائف الجهاز المركزي للتنظيم والادارة

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