Learn Professional Skills to Boost Your Career

Learn Professional Skills to Boost Your Career

Part 1: Self Awareness
Figure out your personal career ambition by meeting members of your cohort and participating in workshops and coursework.
Part 2: Teamwork & Entrepreneurship
In a team with members of your cohort, you will develop your teamwork, management, and communication skills in an entrepreneurial project.
Part 3: Specialisation & Portfolio
Start looking at career paths in your preferred specialisation and understand how to build your portfolio and CV to showcase your new skills.

WEEK 1: Introduction & Onboarding
Get to know the platforms you will be using, and familiarise yourself with the expectations of the programme. Skills Map Baseline • Peer Review Platform • Introductory Survey
WEEK 2 & 3: Personal Development
Use self-reflection exercises to understand your professional goals, and learn to clearly define problems as a first step towards finding solutions. Google Workspace • Intro to AI • Google Drive

WEEK 4: Goal Setting & Research
Create a work plan that aligns with your goals and learn how to present research to others so that they can easily grasp your ideas. Google Slides • Canva
WEEK 5 & 6: Start Team Project
Start your team project by forming a group with your peers, defining roles, and exploring the problem you’re working towards solving. Google Slides • Canva

WEEK 7: Finish Team Project
Research the problem you’re working to solve with your team, design prototypes for your solution, and create a pitch deck with your team that synthesises your work. Canva • Figma • Miro
WEEK 8: Wrap Up & Professional Kit
Use your learnings to define your personal brand by creating an elevator pitch, professional bio, resume, and LinkedIn profile. Now you’re ready for work. Google Slides • Canva • AI for Presentations
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