تفاصيل وظيفة مساعد إداري في مؤسسة EgyTEFL Organization

تفاصيل وظيفة مساعد إداري في مؤسسة EgyTEFL Organization
Education Administrative Assistant
About the job
We seek to hire administrative Assistant Staff in our new office downtown with the following qualifications:
1- Ability to communicate in English
2- ability to verbally communicate with foreign staff in English
3- complete ability to send and receive emails and follow up email
4- good command of computer skills
5- skills of communication with customers
6- Ability to file and process Customers documents and Requests
7- Ability to manage and organize international Education Events
Internship period of one month
Start up salary 3000 EGP
Work with international staff
Training in international communication and business
Ability to join international Events and conferences abroad
Job placement: 30 El Mobtadyan Tower
From El kasr El Aini Downtown
Next to the ministry of Education
Interested candidates please email us your CV
[email protected]
Subject : Administrative post
Will confirm dates and venues of interview
Or Apply From Here
وظائف قد تهمك ،
》وظائف حكومية بشركة المياه و الصرف الصحي
》وظائف بشركة OPPO Egypt
》وظائف بنك كريدي اجريكول
》وظائف بنك QNB